Our Services
Lighting Design
While our offices are in Manhattan and the Hamptons, we’ve designed outdoor lighting systems for clients all over the country. Contact us today to find out how we can not only design, but manage your project as well.
We’ve recently expanded our offering to include interior lighting design.
Learn more here: Hamptons Lighting Design.
Our expert team of installers is standing by ready to install your lighting system to our exacting specifications.
Just because your lighting installation is complete, it doesn’t mean our work is done. Your property is constantly evolving as plants grow and leaves fall. We will make sure that your outdoor lighting looks the best it possibly can. Learn more here: Maintenance Agreements
Renovations & Upgrades
Not satisfied with your current outdoor lighting? We can help. Often times we are able to utilize the existing wiring infrastructure, making renovations more cost effective and efficient.
Lighting Control Systems
Our programmers at our HTE (home technology experts) division, are able to integrate your outdoor lighting into a new or existing lighting control systems, making for a one-stop-shop for all your lighting needs.
Outdoor Audio & Video Systems
There is no better time to prep for your outdoor audio/video then when installing outdoor lighting. Our technicians will run the necessary wires at the same time they run the low voltage wires for your landscape lighting. Save time and money by doing everything in one shot! Our designers at our Home Technology Experts division can help you choose the right system for your home.